Brexit Civil Society Alliance

Identity & Website

Finding useful information isn't always easy, especially in the midst of storm of media coverage and polar opinion. We created an identity and website for Brexit Civil Society Alliance that cuts through the noise and allows unbiased information to be clearly communicated in increasingly polarised political and media climate.

The Brexit Civil Society Alliance is an organisation formed in the wake of Brexit with the aim to bring together civil society organisations from all parts of the UK to ensure that their voices are heard in the Brexit process. It does not take a position on Brexit and seeks to raise the concerns of member organisations and push for the best possible policy outcomes for them and wider civil society as the UK leaves the EU.

BCSA came to us looking for a new identity and website that would allowed them to speak clearly and boldly to and for the organisations they represent.

With a bold monochrome colour palette, a simple yet distinctive graphic device and a clear typographic treatment we created a identity and website that stands out amongst the chaotic background of the Brexit process.