
Brand & Website

Here (formerly Brighton and Hove Integrated Care Service) are changing the way healthcare is provided. A year long project transforming the way Here presented it’s innovative ideas to the outside world culminated in a visual brand brief being placed on our desk.

As creative lead on the project I began building on the strategic foundations my collegues at Neo had layed out. It was my job to create a brand which reflected their new name, newly articulated purpose, beliefs and commitments and did justice to the innovative and amazing work they do within the healthcare sector.


With their purpose ‘Care Unbound - to create more possibilities for care in every moment’ in the forefront of my mind, the concept for the visual brand emerged. Taking the H in the name and unbinding the uprights I created a space for possibilties. A set of icons which inhabit the space not only served as useful visual signposts in communication materials but were designed to reflect the spectrum of ideas and qualities of the organisation and it’s staff.  A bold but friendly typographic style and colour pallette was created that shows credibility but at the same time feels warm and familiar to its users.

In the following stages of the rebrand a new photographic style was also required. I art directed a number of shoots with photographer Ali Tollervey that captured the breadth of their work; from the internal staff, their working environment, their partner organisations and their patients. 

The brief written by myself was to capture ‘real moments’ with ‘real people’ in ‘real situations’, ultimately creating a natural and authentic feel in the photography rather than one that felt staged. Making people feel confortable and catching them unselfconciously was key to a succesful and effective bank of photographs.