Manna BonBons

Brand & Packaging

Manna BonBons is an ethically and ecologically concious chocolatiers based in West Dorset. As their business began to grow they came to us to create a new visual brand and packaging that better reflected the quality and uniqueness of their products.
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Manna BonBons is a raw chocolatiers who make handmade fresh and natural chocolate from ecologically and ethically sourced ingredients. All of their products are vegan and sweetened with natural sugars such as agave syrup, rice syrup and coconut palm nectar.

Manna BonBons came to us needing a new brand and packaging that better reflected the quality and uniqueness of their products.

Using a hand-rendered logo, custom illustrations and natural feeling materials, we created a brand and packaging that reflects the story of the chocolate’s creation, from it’s fairtrade, ethically sourced ingredients to it’s fresh hand-made production.

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