British Science Association

Identity, Animation & Editorial

The British Science Association’s (BSA) mission is to put science at the forefront of society and culture making it accessible for all. Sam art directed an animation and designed a book that brought this mission to life.

Having curated a series of essays bringing voices from inside and outside the scientific world together, BSA wanted to bring their collective words to life. 

Whilst at former agency Neo, Sam was creative lead on the project, art directing an animation and designing a book that contained the essays that would launch their new mission to get more people involved in science.

The idea behind the creative explored interesting visual cues and experimented with circular particles – using them to show how different people, moments and ideas can come together to surprising effect. 

Since the launch the creative has travelled beyond its brief and has been used in further BSA projects such as 100 ideas and a dedicated ‘Not Just For Scientists’ microsite.

Following a strategy review, the British Science Association wanted to launch our new vision and get people talking about it. We brought together some great minds to write the essays, but felt that we needed a booklet design and animation to really bring the words to life. Sam was one of the most creative designers I’ve ever worked with, creating a fresh and vibrant design that told a story on its own. We were delighted with the final product and we’ve had so many compliments about how visually distinctive the design is. 
— Jon Fitzmaurice, Head of Cultural Development British Science Association